Friday, June 26, 2009

On the Jordanian Political Parties law

A quick read of Jordan's Political Parties Law reveals how arbitrary the permission granting process is. Section B1 of article 5 says the following:
ب. 1. يجوز لعشرة من الاردنيين على الاقل من الراغببين في تأسيس حزب ، التقدم للوزير بالمبادئ والافكار الاولية للحزب ، وللوزير الموافقة على ممارسة انشطتهم السياسية التحضيرية والترويج لهذه الافكار على ان يتقدموا بطلب التأسيس عند استكمال الشروط المنصوص عليها في هذا القانون وخلال مدة لا تزيد على ستة اشهر من تاريخ تلك الموافقة
B. 1. It is permissible for at least ten Jordanians, who have a desire in founding a party, to submit to the Minister [of interior] the principles and preliminary ideas of the party, and it is up to the minister to grant consent to exercise their preparatory political activities and the promotion of these ideas so they could submit the establishing application upon completion of the conditions Set forth in this law, within a period not exceeding six months from the date of such consent. source
In a country where joining political parties is still a stigmatized taboo, the government is still making it more the harder on average jordanians to found a political party that has a chance in being approved, let alone changing the status quo. The law puts too much power in the hands of the Interior Minister to decide what suits the public and what is allowed to be promoted as principles and ideals. Jordan has a little chance in advancing the tiny crumbs of democracy into a real and competent force of change if the whole process is carried out in the most undemocratic manner.


Nas said...

while i agree with you, in essence, i don't our problem has been in the formation of political parties as can be seen by the wide-spectrum of government-approved parties that stand (at least on paper) in opposition to the government (from islamists to communists to liberals to..)

the problem we face today is not in formation of political parties but in their development. that is where the "system" has been most detrimental in my opinion

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