Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why Language is Jordanians' main factor in deciding where to Immigrate?

Jordanians are certainly one people that would like to get the hell out of the country in search of prosperity in many parts of the world. The chronic economical, social, and civil rights problems are the motivation behind almost all those lining up in front of various embassies in Amman. A few of the 65 Consulates/Embassies receive the lion's share of interest. Aside form the typical Arab destinations, such as UAE and KSA, English speaking countries are the most popular. Countries like the US, Australia, and Canada are the top preference.

It just seams to be a huge limitation to confine the search for a better life to a place where you would still need to learn the way the language is spoken locally (believe me. MOE English curriculum is garbage). Saying "How do you do?" in the US won't get yo punched in the face, but will put the letters "FOB" on your forehead immediately. And that not to mention that European countries are actually closer culturally to Jordan than the US and Canada are.

Take for example Spain. The Spanish language is very close to English, contains more words of Arabic origin than any other language, and it already includes the sound TH (as in ثغرة عصفور)! In addition, the people are great, still celebrate the Islamic mark in their history, and it is home to a lot of North African Arabs. Also, Scandinavian countries have been shown to be the best in terms of happiness, least Corrupted,and Human development. And, Most European countries are within 6 hours of flight time and not 12-20 hours as is the case with the US.

So, there are other destinations in the world that actually welcome immigrants more than others. Some countries are struggling to coup with a declining population, such as Italy and Spain and others would like to enhance their communities with diverse cultures. And, although the US, Canada, and Australia remain good choices, let's not ignore others that might prove better in the long run.


Anonymous said...

When it comes to me, I'd choose the Scandinavian cold heavens over the American dream! and I really am working on leaving once I get my certificate!
And the reason why I wanna get the hell out is of course "prosperity" and most importantly my "full civil rights"!

come on! no one is gonna sue me for being creative in Sweden!!!

Batir Wardam said...

Welcome back to blogging.
I would also love to spend a few years in Europ with its glorious cultural past and present.

iraatus said...

ithreedots, thats true. it's not about being sued, however. people in those countries are more open minded as well. IN countries, such as Jordan, you would also have people telling you عيب and حرام the whole time you wanted to explore and express your creativity.

Batir, thank you very much. Once the twins are a little older, I think you should do it. May be you could work for some international organization in Germany/the Netherlands/Belgium and try out. I doubt you would go back if you spent a few years away though!

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