Monday, February 23, 2009

BS aside, this is how the Jordanian government works

Every time there is a new government, Jordanians start the usual talk of who is qualified and who is not. Basically, no body is. I have posted before on the qualifying standards of Jordanian cabinet members. There is no reason that we will ever see much deviation from that rule.

People need to understand that the prime minster is not the one that appoints his team members. It is the King. King Abdullah wants people that never say "No." He wants people that always say: أمرا و طاعا. But, if anything goes wrong, the ministers must accept the blame. Most of the cabinet members in Jordan's history qualify under these rules. That's why academic and professional experiences are secondary. For if you dare to think while in office, you might find yourself without one. Pretty soon.

Imagine yourself in the position of minister. You would probably be exposed to huge amounts of information of the inner dealings of the higher-ups. You would see how much gets embezzled and how much gets siphoned off. You would get your blood pressure through the roof and would almost get a heart attack because you see but can't do. This of course assuming that you are an honest person. So, why do these people desperately "serve" the country?

The position of minister carries a lot of status in a corrupt and backward society, such as Jordan's. Therefore, it is natural the make up of governments shows a distribution amongst the tribes and those power brokers in the Kingdom.

If your tribe is represented, you are representin'.

و كُل حُكومة و إنتوا بخير


Anonymous said...

I have just seen your blog for the first time. Congratulations for a well produced outlet. I have seen a lot of blogs with a cynical approach but this is one of the best as you do not exaggerate. I will keep reading and wisjing you all the best.

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